北美洲台灣人教授協會 (簡稱NATPA) 於1980年正式成立,創立目標是關懷台灣的民主與福祉、為台灣發聲,是海外台灣人最早成立的組織之一。1979年12月10日,高雄發生「美麗島事件」後,警備總部以「涉嫌叛亂」逮捕多名關係人員。任職於北美60多處大學和著名硏究機構的137名台灣人教授與學者,聯名在華盛頓郵報發表聲明,強烈抗議中國國民黨政府藉口美麗島事件大舉逮補黨外民主、人權運動、民代和教會人士。此事加速大家團結北美台灣人教授學者的渴望,NATPA因此於1980年4月24日 正式成立。
The North American Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA) was established in 1980 with the goal of caring for Taiwan’s democracy and welfare and speaking out for Taiwan; it was among the earliest organizations that were established by overseas Taiwanese people.
To promote scientific and professional knowledge and its utilization.
To facilitate international understanding, educational exchange, cultural contact among people in Taiwan, the United States, and other countries.
To sponsor scholarly research and education on subjects related to Taiwan.
To further the general welfare of Taiwanese communities in North America.
Conference Theme:
Exploring Taiwan’s Past, Present, and Future
The North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA) is committed to support scholars, who have experienced Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) issues when conducting Taiwan-related research or being Taiwanese scholars in professional settings. Issues of such will be referred to as “DEI-Taiwan” in this survey. The DEI-Taiwan issues include but are not limited to Taiwan being listed as “a province of China” or other names in academic institutions, and scientific journals, and/or being requested/required to change the spelling of your name or terms used in Taiwan.
北美洲台灣人教授協會 (NATPA)透過這次的問卷,想請問您在學術經歷上,是否曾因台灣相關研究或台灣國籍遭受過不平等待遇?我們了解很多台灣學者和學生們在過去遇到這類的問題,常求助無門。有鑑於此,NATPA希望透過這次問卷了解在北美、台灣或其他國家的學者和學生們是否曾遇到如此的不平等待遇。NATPA將統整問卷結果及可能蒐集到的多元的應對方式,來提供學術工作者相關資源做為參考。您提供的內容絕對保密。若有任何問題,歡迎和NATPA聯絡 。
The North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA) is committed to support scholars, who have experienced Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) issues when conducting Taiwan-related research or being Taiwanese scholars in professional settings. Issues of such will be referred to as “DEI-Taiwan” in this survey. The DEI-Taiwan issues include but are not limited to Taiwan being listed as “a province of China” or other names in academic institutions, and scientific journals, and/or being requested/required to change the spelling of your name or terms used in Taiwan.
北美洲台灣人教授協會 (NATPA)透過這次的問卷,想請問您在學術經歷上,是否曾因台灣相關研究或台灣國籍遭受過不平等待遇?我們了解很多台灣學者和學生們在過去遇到這類的問題,常求助無門。有鑑於此,NATPA希望透過這次問卷了解在北美、台灣或其他國家的學者和學生們是否曾遇到如此的不平等待遇。NATPA將統整問卷結果及可能蒐集到的多元的應對方式,來提供學術工作者相關資源做為參考。您提供的內容絕對保密。若有任何問題,歡迎和NATPA聯絡 。